Rebuild autoload files

When we change e.g name of migration file, we should execute the command below

$ composer dump-autoload


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys <KEY>

Function to validate number – JS


<input type="text" onkeyup="validate_number(this)" onpaste="validate_number(this)"/>


function validate_number(el, float = false) {
    if(el.value.length != 0) {
        let value = el.value;
        let value_parts = [0];
        // change every ',' to '.'
        value = value.replace(/\,/g, '.');
        // delete every char except numbers and dots
        value = value.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '');
        // lets check if someone wrote dot
        let dot = value[value.length - 1] == '.' && float ? '.' : '';
        if(value) {
            // value exist so lets divide it - for numbers with multiple dots
            value_parts = value.match(/[0-9]+/g);
            // first number should be parsed to int for situations like '023'
            value_parts[0] = parseInt(value_parts[0]);
        if(value_parts.length == 1 || value_parts.length > 1 && !float) {
            el.value = value_parts[0] + dot;
        else {
            el.value = value_parts[0] + '.' + value_parts[1];

Copy table in PostgreSQL

-- create new table
CREATE TABLE new_table (LIKE old_table INCLUDING all);

-- delete default sequence from primary key

-- copy data from old to new table
INSERT INTO new_table SELECT * FROM old_table;

-- change primary key column name to new one
ALTER TABLE new_table RENAME COLUMN ot_id TO nt_id;

-- create new sequence - auto increment
CREATE SEQUENCE new_table_nt_id_seq;

-- set max value for this sequence as max ot_id from old table
SELECT setval('new_table_nt_id_seq', (SELECT max(ot_id) FROM old_table), true);

-- set this sequence as default value for new table primary key
ALTER TABLE new_table ALTER nt_id SET DEFAULT nextval('new_table_nt_id_seq');

-- set new table primary key as owner of this sequence
ALTER SEQUENCE new_table_nt_id_seq OWNED BY new_table.nt_id;